Teaching colours with colours of Navratri | Happy Navratri!
If your child is just old enough to begin learning colours, Navratri is the perfect time for you to begin!
Source: https://www.kidsstoppress.com/details/let-your-kids-play-their-way-through-navratri-with-these-super-fun-games/11583
The nine colours of Navratri can be a good colour recognition exercise for your little ones just beginning to learn colours. Get them all excited about 'the colour of the day' and from dressing them up to what they eat, make sure it is in that colour! Your kids will absolutely love it! And will be sure to remember the colours too! Below is the significance of the Navratri colours:
Food options for each colour:
Grey- Mushroom risotto
Orange- Pasta arrabiatta
White- A bowl of nuts and seeds (cashews, sesame seeds, pine nuts)
Red-Pav bhaji
Blue- A bowl of grapes!
Yellow- Lentil soup, dal, Nachos
Green- Spinach rice
Peacock green- A bowl of green veggies
Purple- Blackberries/ eggplant/ Turnips with food